Monday, September 8, 2014

第三百一十四章:20 Facts About Me

前几天,在 instagram 被朋友 tag 了来写 20 个关于自己的事情。

我看挺好玩的,所以就在脸书 po 了,然后 tag 其他朋友接着玩。

游戏很简单,被 tag 中的人必须写出 20 facts,

分享出来,再 tag 另外 20 个朋友,让他们也跟着一起玩,嘿嘿。

So 我的 20 facts about me 就是:

1. Tagged by Cm Yeen for this. We've been knowing each other since primary one 

2. I love lions. They are cute.

3. One of my dreams is to travel around the world.

4. Another dream of mine is to become a sibeh rich person.

5. I enjoy watching movie alone in a cinema and I think that's cool lol.

6. I love eating!

7. I own a blog and here's the link:

8. I'm left handed and I think using a can opener is suffering. 

9. I love Christmas season even though I'm not a Christian. 

10. I used to have very long hair but then one day I decided to cut it short. 

11. I'm single and available. So if you like me, tell me XD

12. I think Sze Sze is the name that suits me the best.

13. I'm a lazy person especially in studying and doing assignments.

14. I have three dogs in my house. Daodao the half breed Rottweiler, Nini the Dachshund, and Momo the half breed Labrador.

15. I love my family and I love me!

16. I think I'm good in scolding people. XD

17. My diploma life was a great memory because I used to do crazy things with those crazy friends. 

18. I'm allergic to seafood except fish and sotong.

19. I love cheesecakes and coffee and milk tea. Ahh craving for them now.

20. My surname is Kiew and it has the same pronunciation with the letter 'Q'.

有兴趣的朋友们,可以去玩玩哟 :P

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